
Do you or a loved one suffer from psoriasis? Psoriasis is a very common skin disorder. However, while persistent and irritating, psoriasis remains a chronic recurrent disease. At Sage Homeopathy we provide science-based safe homeopathic treatment for psoriasis in Toronto. Our homeopathic therapy has FDA approval and is regulated by the Government of Canada. Unlike other treatments, homeopathy will not interfere with any medical treatments, does not contain toxic chemicals, and works for both chronic and acute skin conditions.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis presents in a variety of ways. The skin condition has silvery scaly growths and plaques of varied sizes on the skin’s surface. The dead cell volume causes red patches with a white scale. Some forms can be severe and lengthy in duration. Other flare-ups occur quickly. These continue to occur over a person’s lifetime.

Causes of Psoriasis

The causes of psoriasis differ for every person. Psoriasis can be embarrassing and cause emotional distress. The irritation is uncomfortable and unpredictable. What causes psoriasis? Common causes include:

  • emotional stress
  • trauma
  • dry skin
  • streptococcal infection
  • stress
  • diet

Plaque psoriasis differs in location, severity, and duration with each flare-up. Our homeopathic treatment for psoriasis heals the entire person that is experiencing the illness. We would not recommend applying any ointments to the treatment. Any ointment to the skin will mask the symptoms of the real illness and therefore will confuse the case. Other conditions may accompany psoriasis. Schedule a free consultation today and ask your most pressing questions about psoriasis. We will be happy to help you.

Treating Psoriasis with Homeopathic Remedies

Like many chronic skin conditions, there is not a single method of treatment for effectively dealing with the disease. The itchy sore areas can be severe and uncomfortable. Treatment focuses on natural healing and reducing pain and discomfort and on the mindset of the person experiencing the illness. Control your symptoms with homeopathic remedies at Sage Homeopathy:

Arsenicum Album

Burning sensation, pain, and sensitivity to touch or itchy, the skin is flaky in big or small areas with a silver kind of color. The person is anguished and anxious and has a lot of fears of failure. The skin symptoms get worse by warmth application.

Kali Arsenicosum

This remedy might be indicated for cases with cardiovascular complaints. The skin may show flimsy whitish scabs, giving a mealy, powdery appearance. These scales enhance the itching, which causes the patient to scratch, often to the point of discharging a thin, acrid fluid from the skin patches; this fluid forms a hard cake. The scaly red patches of psoriasis scale off with time, leave behind red skin and are replaced by smaller new patches. The skin symptoms get worse by warmth application.


In this remedy, other symptoms are hunger in the mornings but dislike of eggs and milk and a strong liking for sweets. There is also heat in hands and feet and on top of the head, itching around the anus, and loose stool during the early morning hours. The person that needs Sulphur is aggravated more in the evenings or at night in bed.

Mercurius Solubillis

Psoriasis produces a huge amount of itchiness (similar to Sulphur) and the person scratches until the skin bleeds. Associated symptoms in Merc. are profuse perspiration, offensive discharge, pain when touching and it is worse at night (similar to Sulphur).

There are many more remedies not mentioned here. For best results, it is recommended that you contact us to help us understand who you are in more detail and to match a remedy exclusively to you.

All of our homeopathic remedies are derived from plants, minerals, and natural ingredients. They are FDA approved and regulated. Our treatments are safe for both adults and children.

Homeopathic treatment is a proven effective practice to help with a variety of conditions, including psoriasis. We will find the treatments that work for your specific condition.

Psoriasis and Nutrition

The foods you eat have a direct impact on your health. Psoriasis like eczema, and many other skin ailments, has its origins in your inner organs. You can aid your homeopathic treatment by eating the proper anti-inflammatory diet and adapting your lifestyle. Probiotic foods are key to the treatment of any skin issues. It is also important to consume foods rich in fiber and omega 3, as well as foods rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and zinc, as psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease. It is important to support liver function and drink plenty of water to aid in the detoxification process. At the same time, eating processed foods, sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, and fried foods can increase your symptoms.

Itchy skin can be relieved topically by rubbing aloe vera (straight from the leaves). You can also add a few drops of tea tree essential oil and lavender oil to coconut oil and rub it on the skin to help soothe, hydrate, and disinfect at the same time. Call us to book a consultation. 

Contact Sage Homeopathy

When you need high-quality homeopathic treatment, contact Sage Homeopathy. We provide effective science-based treatment for a variety of conditions, including psoriasis. Contact us for your free 30-minute consultation. We also now provide online video treatments and phone sessions. Contact us today.