Back pain

Homeopathic Treatment for Back Pain

Back Pain

In homeopathy we can treat many back pain symptoms.

This is a very common condition, however, while persistent and irritating, back pain may remain a chronic recurrent problem. At Sage Homeopathy we provide science-based safe homeopathic treatments in Toronto and Richmond Hill. My homeopathic therapy is regulated by the Government of Canada and the remedies are FDA approved. Unlike other treatments, homeopathy will not interfere with any other medical treatments. The remedies do not contain toxic chemicals, and work for both chronic and acute conditions.

Symptoms of back pain

Stiffness, hard to walk, sit or bend and hard to move the head in any direction are only a few symptoms. There maybe some swelling or the pain may radiate to the extremities. You might experience difficulties to move the arms or even difficulties in breathing normally.

Causes of back pain

The causes for back pain differ for every person. Common causes include:

  • emotional stress
  • trauma
  • sleeping position
  • sitting for too long in one position
  • infection in the muscle
  • physical stress
  • And more

Our homeopathic treatment for back pain heals the entire person that is experiencing the illness and not only the illness. We would not recommend applying any topical substances to treat your condition. Schedule a free consultation today and ask your most pressing questions about back pain. We will be happy to help you.

Treating Back Pain with Homeopathic Remedies

Like many chronic conditions, there is not a single method of treatment for effectively dealing with the disease. Treatment focuses on natural healing and reducing pain and discomfort and on the mindset of the person experiencing the illness. Common homeopathic remedies at Sage Homeopathy:

Bryonia Alba

When one cannot move the painful area however the pain feels better by pressure, in addition it feels better by lying on the painful side and from warmth applications.

Arsenicum Album

After an impact, a traumatic blown to the area. The affected area cannot be touched even by the slightly touch. Above all when there is bruise and inflammation.

Rhus Toxicodrendon

Always painful that feels better after motion and continues motion but very painful at rest. The pain gets better by hot applications

There are many more remedies not mentioned here. For best results, it is recommended that you contact us to help us understand who you are in more detail and to match a remedy exclusively to you.

All of our homeopathic remedies are derived from plants, minerals, and natural ingredients. They are FDA approved and regulated. As a result, our treatments are safe for both adults and children.

Homeopathic treatment is a proven effective practice to help with a variety of conditions, including back and any other pain in the body. We will find the treatments that work for your specific condition.

 Contact Sage Homeopathy

When you need high quality homeopathic treatment, contact Sage Homeopathy. We provide effective science-based treatment for a variety of conditions. Contact us for your free 30 minutes consultation. We also now provide online video treatments and phone sessions. Contact us today.


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